About Korynne Designs

Hey there!

I’m Korynne, an American illustrator who loves all things kawaii and retro aesthetic stationery. I started my art journey years ago and graduated with my Associates in Studio Art. Unfortunately, I was told my whole life that art would never be a “career” that would allow me to live a comfortable life. So I did what any crushed art graduate would do and worked in high-stress marketing and sales jobs!

Although I learned a lot and am grateful for the experience I gained, eventually these positions no longer suited me. As the years went by, I always dreamed of running my own business and sharing my art with others. This became especially true after working in corporate environments. It just wasn’t for me, and that’s okay!

So, in 2022, I began planning my business and made up my mind to start my own business where I could share my art with the world. I needed something uplifting in my life, something where I could meet my community and gain new friends nationwide. I wanted to make people smile, and what better way than with kawaii style and nostalgic stationery?

After losing my brother, I had a moment of clarity – this is my life, and I only get one shot. I might as well see what happens! So, after lots of preparation, I filed my business with the State of Idaho and began researching local events to attend. I built my website and then began marketing on social media. And here I am! I am so grateful to have all my family and friends encourage me to live the life of my dreams. I truly wouldn’t be here without all of you.

Korynne Gebhardt

Let's Stay in Touch!

Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions or would like to discuss a commissioned project. 


In loving memory of Bobby. Without your support, my dreams would not have become a reality. Thank you for always believing in me.