Celebrating One Year of Kawaii Magic: A Heartfelt Thank You and Exclusive Birthday Sale!

Dear Kawaii Dreamers,

As I sit down to write this blog post, my heart is overflowing with gratitude and excitement. It feels surreal to express that we are celebrating one whole year of our kawaii stationery wonderland! Time has whisked by like a burst of confetti, and none of it would have been possible without the incredible support from each one of you.

A Heartfelt Thank You:

Thank you seems like such a small phrase for the immense gratitude I feel towards each supporter who has been a part of this journey. Your love for my whimsical creations, your encouraging messages, and the joy you share when you receive your kawaii packages are the fuel that keeps my passion alive. Every order, every tag on social media, and every review warms my heart and solidifies the sense of community we’ve built together.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for making my dream kawaii stationery business a reality. Your support has been the key ingredient in this magical potion, brewing up a year full of creativity, growth, and dreams coming true.

To celebrate, I am hosting a 1 year birthday business sale from January 11th until January 31st 2024. It is the least I can do to show my appreciation for each of you! As an additional bonus, you can also build up loyalty points during the sale which you can redeem on your next purchase. If you want to learn more about my rewards program, check out my other blog post here.

sale flyer

🎉 Up to 50% OFF on the Entire Shop! 🎉

But that’s not all! In the spirit of celebration, we’re adding a sprinkle of magic to every purchase:

  • 🌈 1 Freebie with $25 Purchase
  • 🌟 2 Freebies with $50 Purchase
  • 🎁 5 Freebies with $100+ Purchase

This exclusive birthday sale is my way of giving back to you, our wonderful community. Each freebie is a token of appreciation, a little extra piece of kawaii joy to accompany your orders.

*Important Note: This birthday sale is valid exclusively on our website, a heartfelt thank you to those who have been with me from the beginning and those joining the kawaii journey now.

So mark your calendars, set your alarms, and join us in celebrating this incredible 1st year in business! The sale kicks off 1-11-24 and will run until 1-31-24. Don’t miss out on the magic; it’s going to be the biggest kawaii celebration of the year!

Once again, thank you, thank you, thank you! Here’s to another year filled with creativity, joy, and all things kawaii.

With love and kawaii dreams,

Korynne Gebhardt

Korynne Designs

P.S. Let’s spread the kawaii love – share this post with your fellow dreamers and let’s make this celebration one for the books! 🌈💖